N.B. Though not to preplace the advice of your medical professionals these would be additional preventives and treatments in the case of infection.

Following the successes I have had treating flu’s and Covid-19 infections using Homeopathy I suggest to my clients to have on hand some of the most common remedies whether you are vaccinated or not. Research has shown that there is a risk to everyone when infected. At the end of this article is a list of remedies to have as a first aid kit.
There is no one size fits all in the choice of a Homeopathic remedy as everyone’s symptoms and the nuanced characteristics of the symptoms are unique to each person, to the stage of illness and the individuals vitality. The list at the bottom of this page is designed to help choose a remedy based on those unique characterisics of the illness.
There is no reason not to take a remedy if you have it on hand, there is no down side and if after taking the remedy you need guidance there are thousands of Homeopath’s worldwide ready to help, myself included. Homeopathy buoys the immune response and a well-chosen remedy will have obvious effects. My hope is that the following information gives you a little support in thwarting a serious turn in any flu like illness be it influenza or Coronavirus.
Firstly, choosing a remedy can seem hard as they can all seem so similar. Read carefully and highlight those symptoms that seem applicable to your condition. Pay special attention to the aspects listed that make you feel better or worse. These are especially important in choosing a remedy. Look too at those aspects to help rule out the choice. Choose the remedy by re-reading those that have the most indications that match yours.
Secondly, take a dose of the remedy and wait. A good response is the ability to rest comfortably and even have a better sleep, appetite or just a bit more “get up and go”.
Don’t take it repeatedly. Wait till the benefit begins to wear off and then repeat. Like playing with a balloon you push it up to keep it afloat only when it sinks. Try a remedy only once or twice to know its effect. Avoid repeating if you felt worse even after only one dose.
Lastly, reach out to a professional for support on the management of dose, repetition and change of medicine. Change of symptoms can indicate a need to change the remedy, this is a common situation that needs careful thought.

The common strengths of remedies in most Health stores and Pharmacies is 30CH. Best to have on hand 200CH but the remedy is more important than the strength itself. So, don’t worry the detail of the numbering just take the one you can get your hands on.
Useful resources for getting a remedy delivered are:
Thompsons Homeopathic
Possible Homeopathic Remedies for Covid-19 Symptoms
Aconitum napellus | Acon | Anxiousness. Complaints from mental shock, fear of crowds, < dry cold. Bruised feeling over entire body and heaviness of all limbs. Cannot lie on painful side. Constant desire to lie down. Painful sensitiveness of body to touch, he will not allow himself to be handled. Unbearable pains. Extra ordinary sudden sinking of strength. When sitting still most complaints disappear, but at night in bed, they are almost unendurable. Swollen feeling in many parts. Takes cold from Exposure to dry cold winds. Results of taking cold. Agg. hot days and cold nights. |
Antimonium tartaricum | Ant-t | Much mucus in throat with shortness of breath. Ant-t, affects the Mucous MEMBRANES esp. of Bronchi and Lungs, causing GREAT ACCUMULATION OF Mucus, with coarse rattling, thereby respiration is impeded and heart action becomes laboured; defective oxygenation in the circulation of blood occurs. All these conditions cause cyanosis, depression of vital power. Patient becomes INCREASINGLY WEAK, SWEATS, BECOMES DROWSY and RELAXED with LACK OF REACTION. |
Arsenicum album | Ars | Fearfulness, perfectionism, restlessness, < after midnight, < alone, fear of illness and infection. Breathing short and anxious. A very deep acting remedy, affecting every organ and tissue. MENTALLY the patient is extremely nervous; restless and anxious. Discharges of Mucous MEMBRANES are ACRID, THIN and SCANTY; coryza, saliva, sweat etc. Changes to taste and changes to the tongue. Pain in swallowing, great thirst, anxiety and restlessness. |
Belladonna | Bell | Irritability, delirious fever, convulsions, inner heat, dysmenorrhoea Irritability, fits of rage with hitting, sensitivity to pain. BURNING HEAT, BRIGHT REDNESS and DRYNESS are very marked. HOT; body, part, discharges etc. Redness occurs in streaks. SEVERE NEURALGIC PAIN, that comes and goes suddenly. FULLNESS; CONGESTION esp. to head and SWELLING. PAINS ARE THROBBING; SHARP; CUTTING; SHOOTING; or clawing, of maddening severity; coming and going in repeated attacks. |
Bryonia Alba | Bry | Apprehensive, uneasiness and dread of future. Especially over matters of work and business. Quickly prostrated, shuns all motion, complains on moving, or when being moved, of pain everywhere, white tongue, feeling of dryness in mouth without particular thirst or with desire for large quantities. Thirsty for large amounts at a time. AVERSION TO LEAST MOTION, even to distant parts, is due to its action on nerves and muscles. Dryness everywhere, of mouth, throat etc. Better: PRESSURE; LYING ON PAINFUL PART. |
Camphora | Camph | Coldness, cramps and convulsions, with mental anguish are the marked features of Camphor indications. Convulsions with blue lips, froth at mouth and lock-jaw. It is a remedy for sudden collapse, from over-powering influences acting on nervous centres. Patient becomes ICY COLD; YET HE IS AVERSE TO COVERS, or wants them off; and then on alternately with internal burning heat and anxiousness Sudden; weakness; fainting spells growing worse. |
China officianallis | Chin | Irritability, sensitivity of all sensory organs, high-flying future plans, periodic complaints. The debility in China, is due to PROFUSE, EXHAUSTING DISCHARGES; loss of vital fluids, excessive suppuration, diarrhoea, haemorrhages etc. INTERMITTENT periodicity is very marked in fever and neuralgias. Patient becomes teak, over-sensitive and nervous; everything upsets him; light, noise, odours, pain etc. bursting pain. |
Eupatorium perfoiatum | Eup-p | Anxiety, despair, depression. The leading characteristic is VIOLENT ACHING, BONE BREAKING PAINS. Muscles of chest, back and limbs feel bruised, sore aching It affects the liver producing bilious effects. Patient is restless, chilly and nauseated. Colds. Influenza. Throat dry, at times becomes hoarse and loses her voice. Hoarseness, roughness of voice, cough aggravated evening, aching in all the bones, much sweat, lassitude, pale, sensitive, passive. |
Gelsemium smperivens | Gels | Desires to be quiet, does not wish to speak, nor have any one near her for company, even if the person be silent. Has strong action upon the MUSCLES and MOTOR NERVES. In muscles it causes overpowering ACHING; TIREDNESS; HEAVINESS; WEAKNESS AND SORENESS esp. felt in the muscles of the extremities. Paralysis-of eyes, throat larynx, anus, bladder etc. or TREMORS or twitchings; of single muscles, face, chin, tongue etc. Inability to swallow or speak. Severe cough, with much pain in chest. |
Hepar sulphuricum | Hep | Irritability, sensitivity to pain, foul-smelling discharges, slow healing of injuries. Patient is OVERSENSITIVE to all impressions; to cold; to pain; touch, noise, odours, to draught of air; slightest pain. It has a special affinity to RESPIRATORY Mucous MEMBRANES producing profuse secretions. SWEATS EASILY and profusely, but dares not uncover; sweats without relief. Glands inflamed; swell and suppurate. The patient is CHILLY; even wears overcoat in hot weather. |
Kalium carbonicum | Kali-c | Frets about everything, peevish, impatient, contented with nothing. Melancholia. Stitches in sides of chest, on inspiration. The cold air feels hot. SHARP STITCHING; stabbing or catching pains. Pain through lower third of right chest to back. Parts lain on are painful or go to sleep. Stinging when swallowing, frequent desire to swallow saliva, but frequently cannot, causing a choking. Discharges are profuse and acrid. |
Nux vomica | Nux-v | Irritability, ambitiousness, put themselves under pressure, outbreaks of rage, impatience, oversensitivity, worse cold. It affects the nerves, causing hyper-sensitiveness, and over impression-ability-mentally and physically. Produces DIGESTIVE DISTURBANCES; partial congestion and hypochondriacal states. Sore throat, with sensation of swelling, or as if a plug were in throat. Spasmodic dry cough, or cough with difficult expectoration and oppression of chest Internal scraping sensation or RAWNESS; in throat, larynx. |
Phosphorous | Phos | Worse being alone, likes attention, lack of endurance. Quickly prostrated by unpleasant impressions. Timid and irresolute. Melancholy; disinclined to work, study, converse. Weary of life. Sheds tears, or with attacks of involuntary laughter. Clairvoyant. Tonsils and uvula much swollen, uvula elongated, with dry and burning sensation. Anguish and heat in chest, anxiety, with want of breath. Burning, piercing soreness and tension in chest. |
Pulsatilla | Puls | CHANGING; SHIFTING SYMPTOMS this remedy is known as a weathercock remedy. It affects the MIND; VEINS; Mucous MEMBRANES; respiration and one side. Symptoms rise to a certain pitch, then suddenly cease. It is a remedy for females, of mild, gentle, plethoric, yielding disposition, who cry readily and weep when talking. Symptoms appear on one side or go to side lain on. THIRSTLESSNESS; CHILLINESS AND SHORTNESS OF BREATH. Chilly and craves fresh air. Worse for heat of bed or room, worse evening times. |
Sulphur | Sulph | Disinclination to wash, foul-smelling discharges, skin problems, worse warmth of bed. It causes irregular distribution Of ClRCULATlON; causing LOCAL BURNING; THROBBING; or CONGESTION; flushes of heat; rush of blood to head, chest, heart. REDNESS OF ORIFICES or of single parts. Dryness of throat: exciting cough, at night, constant desire to swallow saliva in order to moisten affected parts. Sore throat with swelling of cervical glands. |
Veratrum viride | Verat-v | Markedly uneasy sensation in the whole body. Twitchings and convulsions; here and there; during sleep; jerking and trembling. Muscular prostration. Erratic motion; staggering. Spasms; with violent shrieking. Burning in different places; tongue, pharynx; gullet; of skin which is cold; with prickling. Burning in back of throat and esophagus, with constant inclination to swallow. Pneumonia, pulse hard, strong, quick, engorgement of lungs, with faint feeling in stomach, nausea, vomiting, slow or intermittent pulse. |