A Christmas Grief – 5 Amazing Homeopathic Remedies for the Holiday’s

Homeopathy for the Holiday’s

Best wishes to you and your loved ones for a joyful holiday season.

If you’ve worked late and long like Santa or Mrs Claus to prepare and provide for loved ones joy, you might well be forgiven for feeling a little exhausted and vulnerable too.


If you are dreading the family visit or the lack of family to visit then perhaps you too might want to have a little solace from woe. Despite the subject of this email I’m not suggesting that Christmas is a grief filled time. However, should the efforts of it be a stress on you physically and emotionally below are five homeopathic remedies to support you.

5 Homeopathic Remedies for the Holidays

Aconitum napellus – Great anxiety with restlessness. Fright, recent or long past. Sudden exposure to cold. First stages of a fever.

Arsenicum album – Fearful, anguished, perfectionist and restless. Worse after midnight, worse being alone. Fear of illness and infection. Short, difficult breathing, weak, faint and exhausted and wanting cool air or sips of water. Diarrhea from spoiled food or a virus.

Ignatia amara – Secretly brooding over sorrows. Melancholy. Grief of long standing. Oversensitivity, vulnerability, worry, worse consolation, anticipatory anxiety, mood swings. Muscle cramps, spasm and neuralgias.

Pulsatilla nigricans – Mildness, crying easily, needs consolation and company. Changeable mood, gloomy and morose or nervous depression. Worse from heat, better in the open air. Overall worse in the evening and can’t stand being too warm.

Nux vomica – Grumpy. Digestive upset, constipation. Bad affects of over indulgence, mental or physical overexertion. Irritable with a headache or sinus head cold. Feels chilly.

Staphysagria – Complaints from suppression of anger, indignaion, fits of rage, throws things around. Depressed spirits and hiding an upset over past injustices. Head cold, toothache or stye.

NB. Using a homeopathic remedy for emotional concerns is not a replacement for any needed therapy. The above should be considered supportive, feel free to call about any question you might have. 

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