Does Science Support Homeopathic Medicine?
As a long time homeopath I’ve been a firsthand witness to many wonderful outcomes using homeopathic medicines. Homeopathic medicines are often diluted and as such any effect comes from the reaction you have not the forceful effect of the drug itself. I’m often asked to justify these dilutions as if the very idea could not have any scientific validation. Well, I’m pleased to let you know that there is both scientific proof and plenty of it.

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Recently research has shown the effects of high dilution medicines at the cellular level. Dr. Paolo Bellavite of the University of Verona in parallel and connection with the AR Khuda-Bukhsh team, have provided the proof that high dilutions have significant effects even at the level of gene expression. The team reported this exciting finding emerging from studies with homeopathic Gelsemium semperivens in neurocytes and with homeopathic Arnica montana in macrophages.
We can assume that the mechanism of action from these high dilution medicines is that the high dilutions of medicines used touch only nodes having enhanced susceptibility. This explains why homeopathic medicines need to be selected for the individual expression of disease.